
BEGA Monthly Meeting January 5, 2017 Final Agenda

Director Hughes' Advice that CJCC is Not Subject to the OMA

E-mail advice was rendered by Director Traci Hughes, on September 13, 2016, concerning whether the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council is subject to the Open Meetings Act.

OOG-004_9 7 16 _AO_(1) Whether scheduling of meetings by a quorum of members of the COST by telephone conference would constitute a meeting; (2) Whether strict compliance with the OMA’s “Open Meeting” requirements by the COST would compromise the identity

(1) Whether scheduling of meetings by a quorum of members of the COST by telephone conference would constitute a meeting; (2) Whether strict compliance with the OMA’s “Open Meeting” requirements by

FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 (Senate Bill 337)

7.8.16 Boards and Commissions Ethics Training - PDF

B21-0697 Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Omnibus Amendment Act of 2016

B21-0697, the “Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Omnibus Amendment Act of 2016
