Aston Community Advisory Team (Aston CAT)
Nature of work of the Community Advisory Team:
1. Provide feedback on concerns related to residents' quality of life during any building repurposing/construction and during the first two years of operations;
2. Coordinate opportunities for community feedback and input on all issues and concerns related to the development of Bridge Housing and share information with DHS; and
3. Develop Good Neighbor Agreements.
Aston Community Advisory Team (CAT)
The DC Department of Human Services hereby announces the Aston Community Advisory Team (CAT) meetings for the remainder of calendar year 2024 will take place on the 2nd Monday of every month at 5:00pm; with one exception in November when the meeting will occur on the 1st Monday to avoid conflict with the Veterans Day holiday. Those dates are:
April 8th
May 13th
June 10th
July 8th
August 12th
September 9th
October 14th
November 4th
December 9th
The public meetings shall take place online via Microsoft Teams at
Meeting ID: 296 468 048 495
Passcode: syPL3k
Or call in (audio only) at+12025949550,,627767339
For additional information or to make a request for reasonable accommodations, please contact the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services at 202-442-8150 or