Office of Open Government COVID-19 Updates

OOG Updates on COVID-19

The Office of Open Government has provided several updates on its website under "Documents" and "Training Materials" concerning how the COVID-19 emergency has impacted DC government operations. In conjunction with the Mayor's Office of Talent and Appointments (MOTA), OOG has provided comprehensive guidance to boards, commissions, and public bodies regarding open electronic meetings. The COVID-19 Response Emergency Amendment Act of 2020 is also featured on our wesbsite along with a summary of changes to Open Government and FOIA laws. Please contact OOG Director, Niquelle Allen, with questions and concerns at or 202-481-3406. Thank you and remain safe.

For more information about the District of Columbia's response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, visit

The links to the advice and guidance provided from OOG to public bodies regarding electronic meetings during the public health emergency are below:

-Best practices for electronic meetings:

-Quick Guide to electronic meetings:

-COVID-19 Emergency Act:

-Remote Meetings Requirements:

*NEW* Guidance for Remote Meetings Post-Public Health Emergency: