Proposed Walkability Preference Discussion with My School DC & the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

Mar 23, 2017 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Location name: 
Bellevue (William O. Lockridge) Neighborhood Library
Street Address: 
115 Atlantic St. SW

My School DC and the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education are holding a public meeting on Thusday, March 23, 2017 from 6-7:30pm at the Bellevue (William O. Lockridge) Neighborhood Library (115 Atlantic St. SW) to discuss the proposed walkability preference for public charter schools. The intent of the proposed preference is to improve access to walkable schools for our youngest students. The proposed preference would help families without a walkable by-right DCPS elementary school to access ​a nearby public charter school.

During the meeting, the My School DC team will describe how the proposed preference would work and the impact of implementing the preference on students and schools. The second half of the meeting will be dedicated to feedback regarding the proposal.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP hereAt the bottom of this event, you will also find a one-pager created by the My School DC team that explains key points about the proposed walkability preference. 

Please reach out to Cat Peretti ( or Jenn Comey ( if you have any questions. For more information on the proposed walkability preference, please visit the DME website