
Letter to Chairman Mendelson Regarding the FOIA Clarification Amendment

On May 13, 2019, the Director of Open Government requested that Chairman Mendelson withdraw the proposed FOIA Amendment to the FY20 Budget Support Act and instead present a standalone bill and perm

#0004_11.15.18_FOIA AO Application of FOIA to Public Charter Schools

The application of FOIA to Local Education Agencies and District of Columbia Public Charter Schools (PCS); and Whether PCS are private contractors that perform a public function, whose records thro

Social Media and FOIA in 2019

Open records laws are just starting to catch up to social media, and your agency needs to be prepared to com

Resolution of Tamang Complaint OOG-2019-0001-M

Resolution of Tamang Complaint OOG-2019-0001-M

Director Allen's April 10, 2019, FY 20 Budget Testimony

Director Allen's April 10, 2019, FY 20 Budget Testimony

OOG-0003_.11.2.18_AO Whether the DCPCSB met in an improper closed session

Whether the DCPCSB: (1)  met in an improper closed/executive session; (2) improperly noticed to the public its October 31, 2018 meeting; (3)  failed to timely report to the public the outcome of a

Director Allen's FY 2018-2019 Performance Oversight Hearing Testimony

 Director Allen's  FY 2018-2019 Performance Oversight Hearing Testimony

FOIA Deadlines and Extensions OOG-0003_10.31.18_FOIA AO

What notifications, if any, does FOIA require an agency, specifically MPD, to provide a requester when: (1) it invokes an extension to dispatch a determination to a FOIA request for body-worn camer

OOG-0004_12.11.18_FOIA AO Whether the PSC may withhold records requested under FOIA as exempt from disclosure, under D.C. Official Code § 2-534(e).

Whether the PSC may withhold records requested under FOIA as exempt from disclosure, under D.C. Official Code § 2-534(e).

OOG-0002_8.23.18_FOIA AO Whether it is appropriate for the OUC to require of a requester to present valid identification to: (1) submit a FOIA request for 911 audio recording for police assistance when the requester is the caller (firs-t party request);

Whether it is appropriate for the OUC  to require of a requester to  present valid identification to: (1) submit a FOIA request for 911 audio recording for police assistance when the requester is t
