The Opengovist: January 25, 2019 Edition

The Office of Open Government is pleased to present its newsletter The Opengovist. Under the leadership of Director Niquelle Allen, we will be releasing our newsletter twice a year. Our staff is small, so that is all that we can manage at this time. We hope that as our office grows we will be able to present our newsletter more frequently. Former Director Traci Hughes coined the term "opengovist" as "one who subscribes to open government." We hope that you are or will become and opengovist. Our previous Newsletter was "Opengovist." The new version added "The" so it is "The Opengovist." In our latest issue we bring you up to date on the activites of OOG, including the advisory opinions we have issued and other open government topic of interest. We hope that you find the new, Biannual "The Opengovist" OOG Newsletter valuable and informative.

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