Lafayette Elementary School Local School Advisory Team

Governing Agency / Agency Acronym: 
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education
Expiration date: 
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Point of contact: Lafayette Elementary School LSAT Telephone: 202 873-4831 Email:

The Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) gives non-binding advice to the School Principal on school priorities, the Comprehensive School Plan (CSP) and budgetary issues.

The team is comprised of elected and appointed members, including parents, teachers, non-instructional school staff, and community members. The school principal, or designee, will attend all LSAT meetings.

All LSAT meetings are open to parents/members of the community to observe. If parents/members of the community would like to propose meeting agenda items, please contact the LSAT at:

The LSAT advises the principal on matters such as the school’s CSP, the allocation of school resources, the organization of the school, curriculum options, budget decisions, priorities and considerations for staffing patterns and the selection of personnel, and the overall monitoring of student progress, school culture, and family engagement.

LSATs are a key lever to increasing transparency at DCPS and ensuring decisions affecting school communities are made collaboratively with the help of a diverse group of school stakeholders.  

All LSAT meetings are open to members of the community to observe.

To read past LSAT meeting minutes, visit this link


Parent Reps.

Kalah Auchincloss (co-chair)
Jess Adasi (co-chair)
Paul Harasty (co-secretary)
Kathryn Young
Julia Cohen

Community Rep.

Tom Martella

Teacher Reps.

Dina Shapiro (co-chair)
Anne Campbell
Kerry Cassidy (co-secretary)
Joe Martin
Alycia Hallock

Non-Classroom Teacher Rep.

Lynda Henderson

WTU Building Rep.
Jared Catapano

HSA Reps.

Brianne Cohen
Anu Mullick

SY 2019-20 LSAT MEETING DATES (7:30-8:30AM)-Lafayette Elementary School

October 16, 2019
November 13, 2019
December 11, 2019
January 8, 2020
February 12, 2020
March 11, 2020
April 8, 2020
May 13, 2020
June 10, 2020

